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Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association



Section 1. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of six (6) members. The management of the business affairs of the Association shall be vested in the following Officers:


There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of ten (10) members known as the Board of Directors. The President of the Association shall automatically be a member of the Board of Directors and serve as it's Chairman. The immediate Past President of the Association shall automatically be a member of the Board of Directors and if in any year the Immediate Past President ceases to be an active or privileged member of the Association, the last active or privileged member who served as President shall automatically become immediate Past President.

The remaining ten (10) members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by popular vote annually to this Board of Directors. The term of office of each Director shall be for one year and any Director shall be eligible for re-election. (Effective June 15, 1990)

Section 2. There shall be held, at least one meeting of the members annually, the place and
time of which shall be designated at the preceding Annual Conference or by the Board of Directors in case of failure to do so at the annual meeting. Voting members present at the meeting shall constitute a quorum of the Association. To be a voting member, a person must have paid his/her dues at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting. (Effective January 1, 1980)

Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be bonded by a surety company in such sum as the Board of Directors may deem, for the proper performance of his duties, the annual premium thereof will be paid from the funds of the Association


Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at all meetings and conferences of the Association. He shall, as Executive Officer, see that all provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws are strictly enforced and all resolutions and orders adopted by the Association at it's meetings are promptly executed and he shall have general supervisory control of the affairs of the Association, and shall report at the annual meeting of it's progress.

Section 2. The First Vice-President shall perform all the duties and enjoy all the powers of the President in case of his death, absence or inability to act.

a. The second Vice-President shall perform all the duties and enjoy all the powers of the President in case of the death, absence or inability to act of the President and the First Vice-President.

b. The Third Vice-President shall perform all the duties and enjoy all the powers of the President in case of the death, absence or inability to act of the President, First Vice-President, and the Second Vice-President.
(Effective June 15, 1990)

Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall correctly record in a record book provided for that purpose, the minutes of all meetings; he shall keep a complete roster of all members in good standing, together with their respective addresses; he shall attend to all the necessary correspondence of the Association; he shall file and keep for reference, all communications
received from any source by the Association; he shall promptly perform all duties directed to him by the Association and all such other duties which generally devolve upon the Secretary-Treasurer of like Associations.

Section 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds belonging to the Association upon order of the Board of Directors and shall perform all such duties devolving upon Treasurers of like Associations and shall render an annual report of his administration of funds.


Section 1. Any person of good reputation, answering the requirements of ARTICLE III of the Constitution, can, upon making application to the Secretary-Treasurer and paying one years dues, become a member of the Association.

Section 2. The annual dues or membership fee may be established at the annual meeting by a motion and a second from the floor and a 2/3 majority vote of the voting membership.
(Effective June 10, 1983)

Section 3. Each member of the Association shall be under obligations to every member to render such official assistance as he may be able to perform.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to award Life Memberships and the recipients of Life Membership shall be entitled to all rights and privileges, except death benefits. Only persons having served as; Past President, Past Vice-President (First, Second or Third), Secretary-Treasurer, or Member of the Board of Directors will be eligible for death
benefits with Life Membership.
(Effective June 15, 1990)

a. The out-going President shall be awarded a Life Membership in the Association each year at the annual conference. (Effective June 14, 1991)


Section 1. There shall be published annually for distribution the minutes of the annual meeting, together with the reports of officers presented at such meeting and all such other matters coming before the annual meeting which may be of interest to it's members.


Section 1. The business of all meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rule of Order.

Section 2. The date and place of the annual meeting of this Association shall be determined by the Board of Directors or by conference assembled at the annual meeting. Ample selection to be given to all members.

Section 3. The several officers of the Association shall be selected at the annual meeting and they shall hold their respective officers until their successors are selected.

Section 4. In case of death, withdrawal from the state, or resignation of any member of the Board of Directors, the remaining Directors may fill such vacancy temporarily by appointment, such appointment to be effective until the next annual election of officers.

Section 5. After the annual meeting, the President shall appoint the Chairmen and the members of the regular standing committees and any other committees approved by the Board of Directors and shall be a member in good standing of the Montana Sheriff's and Peace Officer's Association.
(Effective June 15,1990)

Section 6. The following order of business shall be observed at all meetings:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
  3. Report of the President
  4. Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
  5. Communications
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
    1. Report of the Standing Committees
    2. Election of Officers (annual meeting)
    3. Announcement of Standing Committees (annual meeting)
    4. General Business
  8. Adjournment
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